Thursday, July 13, 2023


 Having a journal and not updating it is somewhat self-defeating, but things have been busy. The last several months of work have been a nightmare. After getting sick twice in one month and nearly having a nervous breakdown over all of it, I asked my boss if I could switch to WFH.

(We did this for the entirety of the pandemic and then some, so don't ask me why they decided to drag everyone back in to begin with.)

So I'm back to working from home and the night-and-day difference of it all is a little unnerving. A 30-40 min commute eats up a surprising amount of time, money, and energy beyond the actual act--but there's also not dealing with whatever in-office bickering is going on. Is that a problem in other places? Seems since coming back many in my office are entirely too eager to pick fights with others. Over nothing. At work. Where time and pressure dictate some base level of cooperation.

But there's also ending the workday and still having enough energy to anything beyond "make dinner/watch TV". Case in point! I have plans to go see a movie with some friends and I'm not reflexively cringing because of how tired I'll be by then. Amazing!

Along that line though the following things should be worked on before Sunday is out:

  • Finish B/W striping on dragon kit belly
  • Paint G-Moon
  • Measure and order fabric for bike bag

There's more, but there literally always is. Took a trip to California and Oregon. Should probably jot that down at some point. But not now.

Here, have a pic of the garden strawberries that are finally starting to ripen.