Sunday, April 2, 2023

Post the First

This is a test post to get a feel for the layout. Been needing a place for long-form thoughts and, honestly, more modern sites are either annoying or are completely off-putting. Not that I feel my thoughts are anything profound (they very much aren’t), but every now and again it’s good to type into the void and not have an algorithm scream back at you.

No idea what-so-ever what the tone of this will be. Probably will talk a lot about hobbies, but you may have gleaned that from the post’s image (clever you!). Family and work will probably come up, but by Grabthar’s Hammer I do not want this to be one of those journals where the author is just constantly complaining.

I also have a rink-a-dink personal website that I’ll (eventually) link. This all feels hideously archaic, but at least I can choose the font.